Mt Everest seen from Kathmandu Valley by citymoto in Uncategorized Comment: 0
Mt Everest seen from Kathmandu Valley

As the number of coronavirus infections is growing exponentially in Nepal, restrictive public health measures are being taken against the pandemic situation. Everyone is stressed and locked down inside their houses but on the other hand, nature is truly healing itself and the skyline is becoming clearer with each passing day.
As a result, air quality levels in the major cities of Nepal have improved dramatically. Even though Mount Everest is 200km away from the valley, residents of Kathmandu Valley were stunned to see the breathtaking views of it.

Mountains are seen from Kathmandu valley. Photo by: Nepalitimes
We used to hear tales from our parents how they could see the Mountain View from the valley many decades ago but due to increment in vehicular emission and factories being started it just lied in the tales.
Nepali Times shared several gorgeous pictures of Mt. Everest on its Twitter handle. Pictures were taken from the Chobar village in Kathmandu Valley by Abhushan Gautam.
The #COVID19Lockdown has cleaned the air over #Nepal and northern #India. So much so that for the first time in many years, Mt #Everest can be seen again from #Kathmandu Valley even though it is 200km away.
More breathtaking images by @AbhushanGautam:
— Nepali Times (@NepaliTimes) May 15, 2020
The Kathmandu valley citizens woke up they were presented with a majestic view of Mount Everest along with Gang Chhenpo, Urkinmang, Kangshrum, Gurkapo Ri, Dorje Lakpa, Lonpo Gang, Gyalzen Peak, Phurbi Ghyachu, Choba Bhamare, Gauri Shankar, Kang Nachugo, Chobutse, and Trakar Go.

Photo by Nepalitimes
After the mountain ranges were visible from the valley its photos went viral, now the image from Kathmandu has taken social media by storm. So long as the coronavirus crisis keeps economic activities reduced, emissions will remain relatively low.
However, it would be shortsighted to conclude this is a durable environmental improvement as emissions will most likely rise to previous levels when economic activity picks up as the crisis resolves.
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